Uncovered Parking Regulations

Art. 1 – Foreword
These regulations set down the criteria used by AMT3 Spa to ensure regulation of daily paying parkings, with automatic tellers, with parking meter and with pass, as well as particular rules applicable to individual parkings.

Art. 2 – General methods
The service is provided under the following terms and with application of the rates displayed to the public at the entrance to each parking area. When the vehicle enters the parking the user stipulates the contract and accepts these regulations and the rates applied therein.

Art. 3 – Display methods
The automated parking coupon, collected at the entrance to the area, must be carefully kept and not displayed inside the car, as it must be used to pay for parking at the automatic teller before collecting the vehicle. The ticket issued by the parking meter (Porta Vescovo) must instead be placed inside the car and positioned clearly visible. The parking entry coupon or pass allows you to park in free spots with the exception of specially marked reserved parking bays. They are the only valid documents for the collection of the parked car by whoever owns it, with the consequent exemption from liability for AMT3 Spa. Any loss or deterioration must be communicated to the persons in charge. In the event of loss, the user can select the Lost Ticket option present on the automatic tellers (with the exception of the Porta Vescovo parking). The rates are displayed at the entrance columns and on the automatic tellers. They are intended to be known and accepted by the user who brought his vehicle into the parking. Passes are available at the AMT3 Spa offices.

Art. 4 – Disclaimer
The parkings are neither attended nor manned. Payment for parking takes place exclusively through automatic tellers or parking meters, and is the responsibility of the user. Use of the parkings takes place via entry tickets with a bar code, plasticized cards or by means of parking meters. Staff occasionally present inside the parking exclusively carries out control and maintenance of the systems. They are not authorized to issue tickets or collect sums of money. They do not receive delivery, custody or temporary custody of the motor car and the objects contained therein. The staff do not identify the driver and the vehicle, neither upon entry nor upon exit. The driver is required to take every precaution for the safety of his own property and that of third parties. AMT3 Spa shall be deemed authorized to remove motor cars parked in an irregular way or which constitute an impediment within the parking with cost and risk borne by the user. AMT3 Spa may not therefore be held responsible for any damage suffered by the vehicles, their theft and the theft of objects or goods left inside.

Art. 5 – Positioning of the motor car
The vehicle must be parked inside the specific parking bays with the engine off and the handbrake on.

Art. 6 – Types of parking bays
Different colored parking bays are present inside the parkings managed by AMT3 Spa.

  • BLUE COLOR: parking bays intended for occasional users who pay on an hourly or fractional basis or for pass holders
  • YELLOW COLOR: parking bays reserved for AMT3 Spa operators and for individuals with a special disability badge

AMT3 Spa staff will remove vehicles parked in an irregular way or causing an impediment. The cost of the intervention will be borne by the owner of the vehicle or whoever uses it.

Art. 7 – Prohibitions and sanctions
It is prohibited, inside the parking facility, to:

  • park with the engine running
  • carry out fuel transfers and cleaning/washing the vehicle
  • use high beams
  • stop along traffic lanes
  • dump materials and liquids on the ground that could dirty and/or damage the flooring
  • carry out maneuvers that are detrimental to the safety of people and the integrity of property
  • accede to the parking with trailers of any kind
  • keep flammable or explosive materials or substances, dangerous objects or objects whose presence could constitute an invitation to theft in parked vehicles.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous items, and only for damages that the user has proven to have been caused exclusively by malfunctioning or faulty maintenance of the systems, AMT3 Spa is liable only if the user has filed a regular complaint with the relevant offices before leaving the parking and in any case before removing the parked vehicle. In the event of non-compliance with the prohibitions listed above, AMT3 Spa may implement measures permitted by law (wheel locking, forced removal of the vehicle) without prejudice to the liability of the offenders for any damage caused to AMT3 Spa and/or to third parties.

Art. 8 – Staff on duty
The staff present inside the parking exclusively carry out control and maintenance of the systems and do not receive delivery, custody or storage of the vehicle and the objects contained therein.

Art. 9 – Loss of entry ticket
The consequences of losing the entry ticket are the sole responsibility of the client. In the event of loss of an automated parking ticket, it is possible to exit the parking area by pressing the “Lost ticket” button present at the automatic teller and paying the indicated amount (excluding the Porta Vescovo parking).

Art. 10 – Temporary reservation of parking bays
In each area intended for parking, AMT3 or the Municipal Administration has the unquestionable right to temporarily reserve, for exceptional events, demonstrations, public order or otherwise, all or part of the parking bays present.

Art. 11 – Disputes
The Court of Verona has jurisdiction over all disputes.

REG03 Rev. 3.0