Parking Centro automobile regulations

ART. 1— General Terms
By introducing the vehicle into the parking area the user accepts these regulations and stipulates a parking contract with AMT3 Spa regarding the provision and consequently the use and occupation of a parking space according to the rates in force and under the general terms of these regulations.

ART. 2 – Withdrawal
If you refuse to accept the terms of these regulations after having introduced the vehicle into the parking you are allowed to exit with the vehicle within 15 (fifteen) minutes of entry at no cost to the user.

ART. 3 — Entry ticket
The parking entry coupon or pass allows you to park in free spaces, with the exception of specially marked reserved parking bays. They are the only valid documents for collecting the parked car by whoever owns it, with the consequent release from liability for AMT3 Spa. Any loss or deterioration shall be notified to the persons in charge. In the event of loss, the user can select the Lost Ticket option present on the automatic tellers.

ART. 4 – Access
Parking is accessible 24 hours a day. Access to the underground floors is only permitted for vehicles with a height of less than 2.20m. Floor -2 is forbidden to LPG-powered vehicles. Occasional user: press the specific button on the column and collect the entry Ticket. The vehicle’s license plate will be printed on the coupon. Pass holder: the system recognizes the pass holder’s license plate through automatic reading and authorizes entrance of the vehicle. In the event of a malfunction of the barrier, place the pass card next to the specific symbol. Follow the information notice provided by AMT3 Spa when issuing the pass.

ART. 5 – Payment
Occasional user: payment must be made at the automatic tellers before picking up the car, using the Ticket collected at the entrance. The vehicle must exit the area within 15 (fifteen) minutes of payment under penalty of integration of the excess. If the license plate number shown on the ticket is correct the vehicle will be enabled to exit the parking without using the ticket. In the case of an illegible license plate, the ticket must be inserted into the column. Pass holder: the system recognizes the subscriber’s license plate through automatic reading and authorizes the exit of the vehicle. In the event of a malfunction of the barrier place the pass card next to the specific symbol. Failure to pay authorizes AMT3 Spa to detain the vehicle and not allow it to exit pursuant to art. 2756 of the Civil Code. The exit coupon validated by the automatic teller is the only suitable document to prove payment.

ART. 6 – Rates
The rates are displayed at the entry columns, on the automatic tellers and at the bottom of these regulations. They are intended to be known and accepted by the user who brought his or her vehicle into the parking. The cost of parking spaces is calculated on an hourly and/or fractional basis.

ART. 7 — Custody and Security
AMT3 Spa makes delimited and illuminated spaces available to users, ensuring their usability and maintenance and assumes no custody obligation for the vehicle, its accessories and the objects contained therein. The vehicle must be placed by and under the sole responsibility of the driver in the specific parking bays with the engine off and perfectly braked. The driver is required to take all precautions for the safety of his own property and that of third parties. AMT3 Spa shall be deemed authorized to remove motor cars parked in an irregular way or which constitute an impediment within the parking, with cost and risk borne by the user.

ART. 8 – Liability
AMT3 Spa is not liable for any damage or theft, even partial suffered by the vehicle, its accessories or the objects and luggage contained therein, from any cause whatsoever. However, it is forbidden to keep flammable or explosive materials or substances, dangerous objects or objects whose presence could constitute an invitation to theft in parked vehicles. AMT3 Spa is liable, without prejudice to the provisions of the previous items, only for damages that the user has proven to have been caused exclusively by the poor operation or faulty maintenance of the systems and only if the user has filed a regular report with the relevant offices before leaving the parking and in any case before removing the parked vehicle.

ART. 9 — Employees
The staff present inside the parking exclusively carries out control and maintenance of the systems and does not receive delivery, custody or storage of the vehicle and the objects contained therein. The staff do not identify the driver and the vehicle, neither upon entry nor upon exit.

ART.10 – Requirements
Inside the parking the user must comply with utmost precision with the rules of the Highway Code, the instructions which are shown in writing by means of signs or provided verbally by the staff responsible for the regular operation of the systems. Failure to comply with the requirements will result in the non- compliant user’s exclusive personal liability in relation to any damage caused to his own and other vehicles, to people or property. Inside the facility it is forbidden to park with the engine running, to transfer fuel and to clean/wash the vehicle, to use high beams, to stop along traffic lanes, to dump materials and liquids on the ground that could dirty and/or damage the flooring, carry out maneuvers that are detrimental to the safety of people and the integrity of property, to smoke inside the two underground floors and to accede to the parking with trailers of any kind.

ART. 11 — Pedestrian Paths
The parking is equipped with specific horizontal reference signs of the pedestrian paths with indication of the main exit and the secondary exit. All other pedestrian paths will only be used in case of emergency.

ART. 12 – Disputes
The Court of Verona has jurisdiction over any disputes.

REG02 Rev. 3.0