FAQ Blue Parking Bays and ZTL2024-06-14T09:16:06+01:00

Blue Parking Bays and ZTL

How much does it cost and for which days do I pay for parking in the ZTL?2024-09-02T12:04:47+01:00

The cost is 1.00 € for 30 minutes and 2.00 € for 1 hour.
You pay for every day including Sundays and Holidays from 8:00 A.M. to midnight.
For more information visit the page dedicated to ZTL.

How can I pay for parking in the blue parking bays?2024-09-02T12:42:22+01:00
What are the allowed hours for accessing the ZTL by a car?2024-06-10T14:35:16+01:00

You’ll find all the updated time slots for accessing the ZTL in the dedicated page of the website of the City of Verona.

I paid to park with my mobile but I have been fined anyway. Who should I contact?2024-06-10T14:39:23+01:00

Check the parking start and stop times on the App used for paying for parking.
If you find a real mistake in the fine fill out the specific request through our Digital Desk. An operator will reply to you as soon as possible.

I believe I have received an unfair fine. What must I do?2024-06-10T14:42:06+01:00

Fill out the specific request through our DIGITAL desk. An operator will reply to you as soon as possible.

How does parking in the blue parking bays work?2024-06-10T14:47:16+01:00

Visit the page in our website dedicated to this subject.

I have an electric vehicle. Can I park for free in the blue parking bays?2024-06-10T15:12:56+01:00

Electric or hybrid vehicles must be up to date with parking payments using traditional methods.

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