Bus Terminal Parking Centro


ART. 1 – General Conditions
By introducing the bus into the parking area, the user accepts these regulations and enters into a parking contract with AMT3 Spa, which provides for the availability and consequently the use and occupancy of a bus parking space according to the current rates and the general conditions of these regulations.

ART. 2 – Withdrawal
If the conditions of these regulations are not accepted after the vehicle has been introduced into the parking area, it is permitted to exit by paying the minimum fee required.

ART. 3 – Entry Ticket
The parking entry ticket allows parking in the available spaces. It is the only valid document for the retrieval of the parked bus by whoever holds it, thereby exempting AMT3 Spa from any responsibility. Any loss or deterioration must be reported to the staff. In case of loss, the user can select the Lost Ticket Bus option available at the automatic payment machines.

ART. 4 – Access
The parking area is accessible 24/7. Entry is achieved by pressing the ticket retrieval button after approaching the bus near the column. The LED changes color and the barrier rises.

ART. 5 – Payment
Payment must be made at the automatic payment machines before retrieving the bus, using the ticket received upon entry. The bus must exit the area within 15 (fifteen) minutes of payment, under penalty of additional charges. To exit, it is necessary to insert the ticket into the appropriate slot at the column. The LED changes color and, after retrieving the ticket, the barrier rises. Failure to pay authorizes AMT3 Spa to retain the vehicle and prevent its exit under Article 2756 of the Civil Code. The validated exit ticket from the automatic payment machine is the only valid document to prove payment.

ART. 6 – Rates
The rates are displayed at the entry columns, on the automatic payment machines, and at the bottom of these regulations. They are deemed known and accepted by the user who has introduced their vehicle into the parking area. The cost of the parking spaces is calculated on an hourly basis and/or fraction thereof.

ART. 7 – Custody and Security
AMT3 Spa provides users with designated and illuminated spaces, ensuring their usability and maintenance but does not assume any obligation of custody of the vehicle, its accessories, or the objects contained within it. The vehicle must be placed under the exclusive responsibility of the driver in the designated stalls with the engine off and properly braked. The driver is obligated to take all precautions for the safety of their belongings and those of third parties. AMT3 Spa is authorized to remove improperly parked buses or those obstructing the parking area, at the user’s expense and risk.

ART. 8 – Liability
AMT3 Spa is not responsible for any damage or theft, even partial, or damage suffered by the bus, its accessories, or the objects and luggage contained within it, from any cause. It is forbidden to keep flammable or explosive materials or substances, dangerous objects, or items that might invite theft in the parked buses. Subject to the preceding points, and only for damages that the user can prove were caused exclusively by malfunction or maintenance defects of the facilities, AMT3 Spa is liable only if the user has filed a formal complaint with the relevant offices before exiting the parking area and in any case before the removal of the parked vehicle.

ART. 9 – Staff
The staff present in the parking area only perform control and maintenance activities and do not receive the bus or the objects contained within it for safekeeping or deposit. The staff does not identify the driver and the bus either at entry or exit.

ART. 10 – Regulations
Within the parking area, the user must strictly comply with the Road Code regulations, written instructions on signs, or verbal instructions provided by the staff responsible for the proper functioning of the facilities. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in the user’s exclusive personal liability for any damage caused to their own or others’ vehicles, persons, or property. It is forbidden to refuel, clean/wash the bus, use high beams, stop in the traffic lanes, discharge materials and liquids that may soil and/or damage the pavement, perform maneuvers detrimental to the safety of people and the integrity of property, smoke inside enclosed spaces, strictly use bins and ashtrays for cigarette butts and chewing gum, enter the parking area with any type of trailers. It is forbidden to keep the engine running while the bus is parked (Article 157 of the Road Code). In case of violation, the parking staff will immobilize the vehicle with wheel clamps and immediately request the intervention of the Local Police.

ART. 11 – Pedestrian Paths
The parking area is provided with horizontal signage indicating pedestrian paths.

ART. 12 – Disputes
For any disputes, the Court of Verona has jurisdiction.

REG01 Rev. 3.0