Trolleybus, placement of the beams for the Bridge in via Città di Nimes

19 March 2024

An important day for the trolleybus construction site in via Città di Nimes. Today the installation of the last 8 beams necessary to complete the underpass deck over which local public transport vehicles will transit upon completion of the work.

Placement of the beams is a fundamental step to proceed with the installation of the second part of the infrastructure and complete the works as per the timeline. For this phase of the project, in fact, the goal remains the opening of the underpass before Vinitaly, scheduled for April 14th to 17th.

This will lead to a significant improvement in the road system not only in the local area but more generally in all city traffic, alleviating the arteries that gravitate around the neighborhood area and allowing motorists to be able to cross the city without interruption from the Porta Palio stretch to Breccia Cappuccini and vice versa.

In a few weeks the entrance and exit ramps from the tunnel at Porta Nuova will also be ready thus completing the new road system linked to the construction site in via Città di Nimes with advantages for all city traffic.